Monday, May 23, 2011

The Original FOI Central Site - London

Here is a bit of FOI History, a link to the Internet Archive, which shows the original FOI Central Site, that was first produced by FOI members in London. The first FOI Central Site went online in 1995. This site remained the one and only central site until 1999.
The Fellowship of Isis

The site seems simplistic by our standards today, but one has to remember back then, everything had to be painstakingly programmed by hand, one pixel at a time.

Copyright © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Druid Roots of the Fellowship of Isis

Ross Nichols, founder of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD), often visited Lawrence, Pamela and Olivia during the 1960's at Clonegal Castle. During this period he gave both Olivia and Lawrence Druidic initiations. Philip Carr-Gomm, the successor of Ross Nichols, also visited and worked with Olivia and Lawrence at Clonegal Castle.

In 1963, Olivia and Lawrence founded their own Druid grove, which they named the Grove of Eithne. They held druidic rituals in the ruins of the Old Abbey with Ross Nichols. It was at this time that they began calling the Old Abbey, "The Temple of Dana." Although Lawrence and Olivia founded their own grove in 1963, the founding of the Druid Clan of Dana of the Fellowship of Isis would not take place until 1992.

Within the ruins of the Old Abbey, or Temple of Dana, stands a dolmen altar and two marble vessels containing rain water.

The Temple of Dana was the site of two ordinations of priestesses into the Fellowship of Isis in the summer of 1976. This double ordination ceremony for a Priestess of Dana and for a Priestess of Isis was the first ordination of FOI priesthood conducted in the Fellowship of Isis. Lawrence Durdin-Robertson officiated as Priest and Olivia Robertson officiated as Hierophant.

Copyright © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website. Photo of entrance to the Abbey or Temple of Dana provided by FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson.

Oracle of Dana

The very first issue of Isian News, published in the summer of 1976 opened with an oracle of Dana! Here is the exact quote:

“The following message given to a Priestess of the Goddess Dana of Ireland may fittingly herald our first issue of Isian News.

Priestess: I feel the presence of Dana. The light of gold is behind her. She has a great rainbow colored aura. These are her words:

The earth has its jewels. For know that though the lesser cannot comprehend the great, yet the greater comprehends, permeates and suffuses the lesser. And this is what is meant by the immanence of the Divine Spirit. Many of you have sought urgently to rise to the heights and to meet Me there. Yet am I also found in the depths. I am the all-pervading Spirit that sparkles in the crystal, that is the treasure in the depth of the well, that comforts the lonely in heart, and is trampled underfoot by the proud who bruise the humble weed. And this knowledge also is the message of the New Era. The possession of the treasures of Nature without and within comes not through conquest, not through bitter struggles, not through suppression and rejection: but through the alchemy of transmutation. Growth is extension in consciousness.

Seek for the buried treasure of the earth, the jewels of Wisdom and Love. I will help all those who seek my aid.”

Copyright © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website. Drawing of the Goddess Dana © Olivia Robertson. Used by permission.

Monday, May 16, 2011

New Page on Facebook

There is a community page for the Fellowship of Isis on Facebook. It is titled "Fellowship of Isis Central Site and News". This page is a place for sharing messages, photos and enjoying interaction with other FOI members on Facebook all over the world.

We encourage and welcome participation from all members of the Fellowship of Isis. Those of you who are on Facebook, can log onto Facebook and view it here:

Fellowship of Isis Central Site and News (Community Page)

Copyright © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website. Photo © Caroline Wise. Used by permission.