Thursday, July 22, 2010

Written Language of Ancient Scotland

A study recently published by Professor Rob Lee of Exeter University presents findings that the Pictish stone monuments might actually contain a form of writing, using pictures. "The new study, published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society A, instead concludes that the engravings represent the long lost language of the Picts, a confederation of Celtic tribes that lived in modern-day eastern and northern Scotland."

For more information please visit:

New Written Language of Ancient Scotland Discovered

Copyright © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website.

New Discovery at Stonehenge

There is a fascinating article on Yahoo! News about the recent discovery of what some are naming the 'sister' monument to Stonehenge.

You can read more here:

Sister Monument to Stonehenge May Have Been Found

Photo: Frédéric Vincent.
Copyright © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Aisling, Magazine of the Druid Clan of Dana

"Aisling" was a magazine devoted to the work of the Druid Clan of Dana, produced in the early to mid 1990’s. The magazine produced some fine and thought provoking articles. One, written by Steve Wilson, appeared in Aisling issue no. 8, 1995, titled “Woodcrafting the Art of Magic.” It produced a high level of response. It has been cited as a reference by numerous authors and sources.

See: “Wicca and Druidry” an article featured on the OBOD website with reference to Steve's article.

Copyright © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website.

Entrance to Dana Temple (Old Abbey)

Excerpt from "Guide to Clonegal Castle" by The Rev. Lawrence Durdin-Robertson M.A. (Dublin), Baron Strathloch, Priest of Isis, 1990

"The old ruins to the North of the Castle have always been known as the "Abbey." It may have been used by Franciscan monks, or it may have been part of the Augustinian Abbey of Abbeydown, two miles to the East. There are no records (written); it is thoughtto be over 600 years old ... It has two very old cells, which may have been oratory chapels. They have 3'6" roofs and date back to the 15th Century."

Reprinted here by permission.

Photo courtesy of Olivia Robertson and Loreon Vigne. Used by permission.

Copyright © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website.